
Thursday, August 19, 2004

A strange day. I p[redicted that Moshe would not collect me at noon. I was right again. Sagi got me at 1 and we went to Herziliyah to meet Moshe and his friend Eli and 2 kids fpr lunch. Moshe decided to eat in Tel Aviv and never called. The good part is I remembered a great kids clothing store in the mall called Fox Kids. Its an Israeli company. I bought the grandkids some fabulous clothes. Wasn't sure of the sizes as they use a different system here. A lady came in with 2 kids about the same size and I had them hold the clothes to their bodies. I got what I thought may be a little large so worse case is they will grow into them. I hope my unscientific calculations are correct.

We finally caught up with Moshe and headed fo Zefat for the Klezmer festival. On the way he had to stop at a Bedouin village to see a friend who sells crap. It made Sanford and Sons look like Saks. He is an avid artifact collector and hopes to find a steal. I don't get it. We finally got to Zefat and the security was mind boggling. It took us a long time to get through. Finally we got there and it was packed. It was just like any outdoor fair in the States. Food vendors all over the place. I had a crepe filled with goat cheese and oregano. Very good, but not filling. Moshe couldn't help himself and we had to visit 2 ancient synagogues I have seen many times. He has such a love for the land he has to educate us in case we missed it the 1st, 2nd or 50th time. It was impossible to get into the bldgs. that had the entertainment so Moshe decided we should leave. It was hell getting out. After all Zefat is 2,000 yrs. old and was not built with autos in mind. As we left the cars were backed up for miles to get in. I cannot imagine how long it took to get out after the event. On the way back I told Moshe that the worst part of the day was him deciding to go and the best his deciding to leave early. Of course, he said the worst part of the day was me. We got back about midnight and Sagi and I went out for a bite and some drinks. Again, everything was packed. We left at 3 and it was busier than when we got there. This is truly the best city in the world. Cutural, historic, modern, whatever you want. Its all here, thriving, growing, exciting.

Tomorrow off to Jerusalem, the Wall and services at night.


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