Saturday, August 21, 2004
Today was R & R. Got up late around 10 and went down for breakfast. The French were so loud and rude. I had it when a lady put her hands in the waffle dish and fingered them. Etay & Guy came by and we went to the sea for a few hours. The women are magnificent in their scant bikinis. I realize how old I am getting. I used to get a few stares. Now its like I am not even there. I showered and we went to their apt. so they could change. Their grandftaher, Israel, is staying there for a month while his wife is in South Africa with the boys' mother. The grandfather and grandmother were in Auseswitz for 5 yrs. His job was to move the dead bodies. We went to the cinemaplex, had something to eat and saw I, Robot. I highly recommend this movies. We saw it on the huge Cinemax screen. The Israelis do 2 things that I haven't seen in U.S. The seats are assigned so that eliminates the morons who get there early to save seats and they block cell phone reception to thwart the other idiots. So simple. I was home by 8:30 and caught most of basketball game. 1st Olympic event I have seen. Tomorrow Sagi will collect me at 8 and I will go apartment hunting. I hope to visit the Tel Aviv museum in the afternoon.
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